The Mic is Ahn

Episode 61: Melissa Hamblin

Mike Ahn

In this episode I talk to Melissa Hamblin, a well-known Disney planning expert and Disney podcaster.  Melissa is better known as Mix In Some Magic, as that is the handle for all of her social media and website information.  I first became familiar with her on her Instagram page and through her weekly podcast.  I wanted to talk to her about how in the world she first became involved in the Disney universe and wanting to help people have the best Disney experiences possible.  In this wide-ranging interview, we talk about Melissa's childhood memories and experience with Disneyland and how that changed once she had her own family to share it with.  We touch on what her family's reaction has been to her being a full-time Disney expert and how they've rolled with the changes throughout the years.  Melissa also answers a bunch of questions about her experiences at Disneyland, from being recognized, to talking about the most underrated or under appreciated attractions, to choosing her favorite bathrooms in the park.  Our goal in this podcast is to feed your Disney hunger, and no matter what you thought or think about Disneyland, I'm betting that you'll like it more after hearing Melissa.  I believe that Melissa (Mix In Some Magic) is the most versatile Disney expert around, because she brings unique views to her Instagram, Youtube and podcast...and she has a newly designed web page to bring them all together.  After hearing Melissa, you'll be able to tell that she is fully dedicated to her craft, and is succeeding in bringing magic to her followers and fans lives.  So, take a stroll down Main Street U.S.A. with Melissa and I, as we get our Disney fix on The Mic is Ahn!

Melissa Hamblin
Youtube: @mixinsomemagic
Instagram: mixinsomemagic

Podcast email:
Instagram: ahniebpe