The Mic is Ahn

Episode 58: Stories with Kevin Ahn

Mike Ahn

The guest on this episode is my brother Kevin Ahn.  He makes his return to do something we have been trying to do for some time.....telling childhood stories that we remember...mostly....and laughing....a LOT! This episode is different from the previous 57 episodes in that all we do is tell old stories from earlier in our lives. The topics we cover are extremely eclectic...which is what the original goal of the podcast was.  Just a few tidbits that we talk about are: Piano recital, syrup, applesauce, yogurt, UFOs, Woolite, Gi Joes, Singapore, "Not Here", wooden pews, airports, time slowing down, "Champion", fried chicken, candlestick malts, lightsabers? and Tokyo Disney.  If that doesn't excite you, I don't know what will. I am fully aware that some of you will be very invested in this episode. Others of you might think..."man, these guys laugh a lot."....and you'd be right.  Bring some happiness to your life and check out this episode of the Mic is Ahn.....double the Ahn, quadruple the fun! Tell your friends and loved ones to listen wherever they get their podcasts!

Kevin Ahn- Instagram: doobieibood

Podcast email:
Instagram: ahniebpe