The Mic is Ahn

Episode 54: Dave Gomez x 3

Mike Ahn

Episode 54 brings Dave Gomez back to the Mic is Ahn for his 3rd appearance.  In this interview, we hit all kinds of topics involving Dave and his work as a school resource officer.  We talk about the Uvalde shootings and what things we can do in schools to better prepare and organize for worst case scenarios.  Then we get to two different subjects that we care a lot about.....bad language and disrespect.  As always, Dave brings his unique and fresh perspective about how he deals with these frustrating things and how to help parents and students to work through them.  We also get very in depth into sextortion, and Dave talks about all the ways he is seeing this happen to individuals in and out of schools.  Before we are done, I ask Dave about funny moments he's had as a police officer and he tells some great stories.  If you've never heard Dave before....I know you'll want to go back and listen to his first 2 episodes.  Let your family and friends know about all the things you hear in this interview with Dave.  I know he's a special human (because we are first cousins), but now you do too!

The Mic is Ahn.....

Dave Gomez
Facebook: @deputygomez
Instagram: @deputygomez
Youtube: @officergomez 

Instagram: ahniebpe