The Mic is Ahn

Episode 51: How we got here

Mike Ahn

In this, the 51st episode of The Mic is Ahn, I talk about how we got here (thus the title).  How did the podcast begin? What were the initial ideas like?  How did it come together? What is the story with the name of the podcast again? 
My goal in this episode was to touch on all of that and more....specific episodes and what I've tried to bring to you.  Look at this episode as a celebration of actually getting this far....when I truly had no idea if it would ever get to 20 episodes.  
I also talk about my initial love for radio...and give some history about my time behind the mic...way back in the day....before PE came about.  
Finally, I just want to thank all of you for being a part of the podcast...whether you've been a guest or a listener or someone who has given feedback or ideas.  You're all important and have all played a part in making my podcast dreams come true.  
51 episodes in....more to come.....The Mic is Ahn.....still grinding.  Listen wherever you get your podcasts....and tell a friend....or two hundred!

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Instagram: ahniebpe